Detection and tracking of anisotropic core-shell colloids
Jörg Roller, Patrick Pfleiderer, Janne-Mieke Meijer and Andreas Zumbusch J Phys Condens Matter. 2018 Oct 3;30(39):395903 doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/aadcbf
Abstract: Optical microscopy techniques with three dimensional (3D) resolution are powerful tools for the real-space imaging of the structure and dynamics of colloidal systems. While real-space imaging of spherical particles is well established, the observation of shape anisotropic particles has only recently met a lot of interest. Apart from translation, shape anisotropic particles also possess additional rotational degrees of freedom. In this manuscript, we introduce a novel technique to find the position and the orientation of anisotropic particles in 3D. It is based on an algorithm which is applicable to core-shell particles consisting of a spherical core and a shell with arbitrary shape. We demonstrate the performance of this algorithm using PMMA/PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) core-shell ellipsoids. The algorithm is tested on artificial images and on experimental data. The correct identification of particle positions with subpixel accuracy and of their orientations with high angular precision in dilute and dense systems is shown. In addition, we developed an advanced particle tracking algorithm that takes both translational and rotational movements of the anisotropic particles into account. We show that our 3D detection and tracking technique is suitable for the accurate and reliable detection of large and dense colloidal systems containing several thousands of particles. Combined with the advances in anisotropic colloid synthesis, our technique opens up the way for 3D orientational microrheology studies in dense suspensions of anisotropic colloids.